
Monday, June 21, 2010

Restless and Unimaginative.

I spent the weekend feeling ill and yesterday I was again acquainted with my stomach's functions, which was... lovely. Today I feel a lot better though and I'm thinking I should get some laundry done.

I arrived in Boise, Idaho on Tuesday afternoon and spent the next few days with my Aunt Judi. It was a nice break from the month's craziness. Thursday I met up with my aunts Quinn and Selya and I drove down with them to Idaho Falls. It could have been a lot worse being stuck in a car for fours hours or so with a sick baby and three Chihuahuas. I was very happy to see them and we stopped by Grammie and Pappy's grave site, which was a bit odd upon seeing 'Violet' on a gravestone. We also stopped by the old house so I could take some pictures of it. Speaking of Grammie, Grandma GG gave me a photocopy of Grammie Violet when she was my age- give or take- and it makes me happy.

This weekend I headed to Island Park for some camping, however, I'm not sure I can even call it that. First off, we "camped" in what was really a house on wheels (crown molding anyone?). There wasn't even a fire! It was nice to spend time with Zach though. I missed him a lot in the past two weeks. Since the bugs were so bad on top of me not feeling well I spent the majority of the time in the camper/house and finished my book The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. I haven't read any mystery novels in a long time and this one turned out to be a pleasant surprise. I cannot pin point exactly why I liked it so much, or what made me read half of the sequel in one morning but it may have something to do with the complex characters.

I am spending tomorrow and Wednesday with my great grandparents on the Pond side. I'm excited to spend some extended alone time with them because I have never gotten that chance before. It has always been small visits to see them every couple of years for an hour or so, then off to the next relative. This time I will be able to listen to their stories and get to know them better. Hopefully, I can also walk toward the back of their property and see the old Anderson house. Its incredible to still have that kind of family history still around. I plan to then visit my great grandparents on the Hudman side on Thursday and Friday :)

Why do I always write so much? Its like some weird addiction where I cannot stop. I feel so self conscious now that I let people know I have this. Before, I only had created a blog because I often wanted to vent on a computer and now I feel more aware of what I am writing. Like before, I would have complained that people bicker to much over absolutely nothing but now I'm more cautious of what I say. Always so cautious; will it ever stop? I would not be surprised if I woke up with yellow type wrapped around me one day.

I hope I get into a photojournalism course this fall. I hate to say it in a way, but I really cannot wait for school to start again. Classes keep me focused and sharp. Right now I feel focused, but dull. I want something else to think about, something with a deeper meaning. Why can I not ever enjoy vacations for too long?

no quirky ending this time.

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