
Sunday, July 25, 2010

To Be Quite Honest...

I hate calling you. I hate having to hear your voice and feeling really sad inside. Out of everyone that I miss, I think of you least because I miss you so much that it is easier to deal with it that way. I miss my father- the one who didn't give me life, but who helped me through it when I looked for help. I miss the person who always reached out their hand to show me what happened was a lesson, not a death sentence. You have always been waiting for the storm to blow over to help me crawl out of my hole of insecurities and be the sturdy rock I needed. I would never suggest that one parent is better than another because that is an impossible evaluation to make. But I am saying that I only miss you so much because you are my dad and it is impossible not to miss you.

You and I- we have always connected without having to say anything at all. Whether it was through music, humor, or conversations around a campfire at two o'clock in the morning; you've never failed to inspire me to be a better person and look at the world differently.

I love you for everything that you have ever done, but there are times like today when I also dislike you for it. Quite simply, all of these great things make me miss you more.

 Your daughter.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I Will Not Paint Shame

I'm tired. I'm tired of hearing about your issues with this. I'm tired of dealing with the whole situation at hand and, although I'm old enough to know things don't just resolve and disappear, I wish they did now. There's a constant ringing in my ears because the thoughts in this skull won't stop bouncing around. High pitched whine over the intercom...attention this is a public service announcement...please remove this grown child from the premises. Thank you...

I wish that I wasn't so angry. You are making me angry, with you as well as with myself. I'm just so exhausted by all of the disorder that I've caused all because I was trying to do the right thing, the honest thing. Why can you not accept this from me? Why must you torment me so? I'm attempting to be good. I'm trying not to explode my feelings all over the page. Wet the canvas with my color of emotions.

My paints aren't inspiring anymore;

                         they dry splattered like my wounds.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Theater Lights Are Blinding

My stomach is churning, as if I am about to go on a stage by force. They are having a big party for me tomorrow to celebrate my eighteenth birthday and my high school graduation. I don't understand why I was okay with my last party, but am deeply nerved by this one. I simply want to crawl under my bed covers and hide for the next couple days. For the first time, I am not excited about my birthday, or even about it being the fourth of July. I'm hiding in my room...part of me doesn't want to see the fireworks either.

To other people it must seem like I am depressed, but I really am not. I'm just stressed at the moment. I don't know why I am so nerved by the prospect of turning eighteen tomorrow. I am perfectly okay with taking on new adult what on earth is making me feel this way? I miss my family and friends in Ohio but I am at peace with my decision to move. I feel so confused and I don't like this constant clenching of my stomach.

Current Music I'm Listening To:

  • Lily Allen: [album] It's not me, it's you
  • Eclipse Soundtrack
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival
  • Otis Redding
  • K'naan: [album] Troubadour
  • She & Him: [album] Volume II

Books I'm Reading:
  • The Girl Who Played With Fire; by Stieg Larsson
  • To Kill a Mockingbird  (again); by Harper Lee
  • The Economist (magazine)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Don't Stop the Clock, Just Give Me a Moment

Perhaps, it is much to soon to write another post here. After all, nothing of significance has occurred today: I thoroughly cleaned my room, I ate pizza for two meals, and I stayed in my pajamas until four o'clock in the afternoon. Again, I find myself rambling on this stupid website because I cannot sleep. I am so exhausted and I still cannot shut down my mind long enough to fall asleep. It is already 10:40 p.m. and I wish I didn't have to wake up at 7:30 tomorrow, but I am wide awake.

I wonder why I never write about the important issues. Although writing has always been therapeutic to me, blogs are typically used as a tool for expressing someone's opinion on a serious or popular topic. On the contrary I only write about my inability to relax or my daily occurrences and what they may have taught me. I feel that I am a very passionate person when it comes to the things that interest me, so the fact that I do not write about them strikes me even more as odd.

Indeed, I have never stressed how upset I am about the oil spill and the wreckage that we, as humans who share this earth, have allowed to continue. Or maybe the fact that there are thousands of people who cannot speak up for themselves because they lack human rights that should be universal in every government. I think about these things all of the time on top of my own insignificant problems.

I read in order to keep updated on the world. I cannot watch the news anymore- it troubles me and everything has become too biased. Since when did the news decide to wield its powers as if it were a politician? It seems that people are too focused on pointing out their opponents faults, rather than delivering the news through cold, hard facts. There is always a bias, but why must everything be so dependent upon these biases? I hope that I can succeed in journalism. I want to find a way to communicate important issues with everyday people; educate them without over whelming them. Sadly, we hear of so much chaos and hatred that we have become desensitized about terrible things. We hear the devastating numbers regarding social injustices or the effects of the oil spill in the Gulf, but what are we doing about it? How often do we stop talking and start acting? I hope that we can find a way to present people with the necessary facts about and event, but also act them to care. It is important to be educated, but what is an education if you do not use it for good? for progress? for empathy toward humans and our planet?

I bought a magazine at the airport earlier this week and I cannot put it down. How many (lets round) eighteen year olds buy The Economist and gladly read it cover to cover? What amazes me more is that I hate math, however, this magazine presents statistics effectively without overwhelming you with the numbers. I feel as if they are concerned about the bigger picture. Their over all journalism makes me as happy as when I read the New York Times.

Despite the fact I am preventing myself from getting a full night's sleep, I am glad that I am writing more again. I don't care if I have someone reading these, or the fact that this is my first post where I attempted to speak of anything but my inner thoughts and problems. I hope that I never stop writing because it keeps me motivated to be a better person as a whole, to do more, to think more, and to pause the day for a little time for myself.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Like a Child in Adult Clothes

I have so much that I need to say but I feel speechless. My stomach is knotted and I want to sleep until everything is okay. I know that will never happen. I know that I think too much. I know that I need to just drink my water and take some deep breaths....its not working very well.

Anxiety. It feels like my nerves are on fire, like something has shocked me inside.

Child-like. I feel so immature. I'm desperately trying to be more of an adult, and I think I have succeeded so far these past six months. Why is it that turning eighteen is making me dig my heels into the ground? I wish that I would stop acting like a child when it comes to dealing with you. I feel awkward, embarrassed, and upset that I'm acting this way. I'm ready to throw my hands up and make a decision that I will regret. But I will not. I must stop, breathe, and think of my options logically. I wish I could tell you what I need to say precisely but  instead I only tell you a tiny fragment of my thoughts. I end up feeling like a fool no matter what happens next.

Put a joker's hat on me, and watch me entertain this cruel court.